Tuesday, March 25, 2025

About Youth Rings

Youth Rings - Male and Female

300 Game Grand Siladium Ring (Adult). Available in Large (sizes 7-18) or Small (sizes 3-15)300 Game Ladies Sovereign Ring (Adult and Youth)

This award is given to a bowler who is able to record a score of 300 in a single game.  This is awarded one (1) per member per season.  Bowling a United States Bowling Congress (USBC) certified 300 Game entitles you to a Grand Large Saladium Ring (shown above), however, you can purchase an upgrade ring from the Grand Gold Siladium Ring, Grand 10K Gold Ring or the Grand 14K Gold Ring.  This is awarded is received through the local association manager.

NoteA bowler cannot earn this award (ring) while per or post bowling unopposed.  See USBC Rule 51b, Item 2-a.

To view all the rings available click here.