Southeast Alabama United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Association
Youth - 550 Series Award
This award is given to a youth bowler who is able to record a 550 Series score in three (3) games. This was a United States Bowling Congress (USBC) award, but is now a Local Association award given through the local Association Awards Committee. This is one (1) per member per season.
Note. This award is for the first (1st) 550-599 Series of the season. The bowler's series average must be less than the first series bowled. See USBC Rule 51b.
To view this awarded click here.
The following individuals are members of the Youth 550 Series Club:-
Buddy Skipper - Courtney Peacock - Nick Rocha
Bryan Dirksen - Logan Glover - Jordan Despres
Austin Reynolds - Andrew Glenn - Derek Hooper
Charles Malysse, III - Bryant Vickers - Bill Bishop
Evan Martin - Erik Turner - Brooklyn Bucklin
Ian Seitz - Spencer Kilcrease - Anthony Bishop
Andrew Cobb - Ellis Frazier - Austin Reynolds
Eva Bradley