Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Senior Tournament Rules

8th Annual Senior Tournament Rules


1.  This tournament will consist of Teams (4 person), Doubles, Singles and All-Events events.  These events will be treated as separate events and bowled on separate squads. This tournament is open to all Alabama State USBC Bowling Association members who were 50 years of age as of August 1, 2013. 

2.  Entry Fee: Cost per person for each Team, Doubles and Singles event will be $22.00.  The optional All Events scratch and handicap will cost $5.00 per person.

3.  The tournament has an Open Division and a Women's Division.  Men bowl in the Open Division.  Women may bowl in the Women's Division or the Open Division or they may bowl in both.  Women will be put in the Women's Division unless they declare otherwise.  If a woman bowl's with a man in doubles that will be considered an Open Division entry.  Scores bowled in the open Division by a woman do not count towards Women's Division, All-Events or any other Women's event.

4.  Divisions: Singles and All-Events will be subdivided into six (6) age groups for Women and six (6) age groups for Open Division as shown on front of the entry form.

5.  Multiple participation is permitted in Teams and Doubles events only.  First time bowled in Doubles will count towards All-Events.  Multiple Doubles entrants may bowl only one time with the same partner in the Open Division and Women's Division.  Team event does not count towards All-Events.  Team event may be any combination of male and female bowlers.  No more than two members may bowl on the same team in the Team Event.

6.  Champions of Handicap All-Events in ALL divisions shall win a paid entry into the National Senior Tournament.  Should the champion be unable or not wish to attend the tournament the right will go to the next bowler in the standings.  The bowler that participates in the tournament will receive the paid entry, a shirt and $150.00 expense money. 

7.  Tie Breaker.  In case of tie(s) the following method in determining the representative for the entry to the National Tournament shall apply: (1) High scratch scores for series in Singles, (2) High scratch series in doubles, (3) toss a coin.

8.  Bowlers must present their USBC membership cards or a receipt from the league secretary.

9.  AVERAGES: Bowlers will use their highest certified league average consisting of at least twenty-one (21) or more games for the 2012-13 summer or winter season.

  •  A bowler without an average during the 2012-2013 summer or winter season may use the highest current season average based on at least twenty-one   (21) or more games bowled in a sanctioned league as of  October 13, 2013. Written verification is required. Copy of league standing sheet is acceptable.
  •  A bowler who does not qualify under the above conditions must enter with an average of 220.
  •  All bowlers will be required to verify and initial their submitted averages as correct prior to the end of the first game bowled. It is each bowler's responsibility to determine that the submitted average is correct. Failure to use the proper average shall disqualify score if the submitted average is lower than the actual average thereby resulting in more handicap or position standings will be based on submitted average if it is higher.
  •  Average corrections can be made up to the end of the first game of a series. Or, if an extension of time has been granted in writing by tournament management before the end of the first game of a series, the correction can be made within 48 hours after the end of the series.

10.  FALSIFYING AVERAGES: The team captain is responsible for reporting all averages for the individual members of their team, and they in turn are responsible to the captain. Should it be determined that at any time the averages have been falsified, the team shall forfeit all claims for prize money and entry fee and will be subject to suspension from organized bowling.


11.  AVERAGE RE-RATING: The tournament manager reserves the right to re-rate average under USBC rules 319, b, c, d, and e.   A bowler who has qualified for a prize of $600.00 or more in any event in a tournament within the previous 12 month period must report actual scores, position and amount won to the tournament manager at time of entry in any for possible re-rating. Such re-rating must be accomplished before the entrant bowls and if not accepted by the entrant, the entry fee shall be refunded. Failure to comply with either of these provisions shall be cause to forfeit tournament entry fee and prize winnings.

12.  The 10 pin rule of 319a (2) is waived.  However, bowlers who have qualified for prize winnings of $600 or more within the previous 12 month period must provide tournament management with necessary information as required by Rule 319d.

13.  Handicap will be 90% of the difference between bowler's average and 220.

14.  Prize fund: All prizes will be awarded on a handicap basis.  At least one prize for each six(6) entries in Team, Doubles and Singles events and one prize for each ten (10) entries in All-Events.  All Events consist of Doubles and singles scores only. Scratch champions will receive plaques only.

15.  Dress Code.  Men and women may wear casual slacks, trousers, jeans and shorts.  The jeans should not have worn, cut or tattered openings in inappropriate areas that show skin or underwear.  Shorts should fall within 3 inches of the knee.  During participation in any event, bowlers are not permitted to wear hats, bandannas or any other type of head wear.  If any bowler has a medical condition requiring some type of bandage or headgear they should contact the tournament manager for permission to wear.  Tournament management or designee will enforce the dress code.  He/she will make judgment calls relative to the dress code questions or concerns, and any circumstances surrounding such issues.  His/her decision shall be final.

16.  Foreign Substance: the application of any foreign substance on any part of the approach is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, such substances as talcum powder, pumice, etc.  Also soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach. No rosin bags, hand conditioners, easy slides, etc. will be allowed in the pit (seated) area.


17. Altering the surface of a bowling ball by the use of abrasives while bowling in sanctioned  Competition is prohibited.  All bowling balls so altered must be removed from the competition.  Any entrant in violation of USBC Rule 18 will forfeit game(s) in which the violation occurred and is subject to dismissal from the tournament as well as suspension of membership.


18.  Oil Pattern: This tournament will use the recommended USBC White #1 oil pattern.


19.  Unless stated to the contrary above, all United States Bowling Congress Rules and Regulations will govern this tournament.

20.  Payments:  Make all checks payable to AUSBCA.  A $30.00 fee will be charged for Returned Checks.  Entries with returned checks shall lose their place in the tournament schedule and will not be rescheduled until acceptable payment is made

21.  Mack Bazzell is the onsite Tournament Director.   His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and phone: (334) 271-3059.  Any questions or problems should be directed to the Tournament Director or Tournament Manager.

To view Senior Tournament Entry Form click here.