Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Youth State Tournament





1.  United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Rules and Regulations will govern this tournament.  The USBC CODE will be enforced.  Any infractions of rules or code will disqualify the entrant from all awards.

2.  Rule 300c USBC ELIGIBILITY RULE WILL BE ENFORCED, NO WAIVERS.  All participants must be a registered member of a USBC certified league in Alabama for the current season (2014-15).

3.  One hundred percent (100%) of two hundred (200) handicap will be used for each entry in each division.

4.  Average: Bowler must use average of twelve (12) games or more from the 2013-2014 season or average of twelve (12) games or more as of December 23, 2014, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER.  If bowler does not have either of the above averages, then the bowler will use their average of twelve (12) games or more as of tournament participation date.  Bowler with less than required number of games as of their participation tournament date must bowl scratch.

5.  Check in time will be thirty (30) minutes before scheduled time to bowl.  Late arrivals will start bowling in frame the rest are bowling with a zero for frames missed.  Substitutions must be one (1) hour prior to scheduled time to bowl.  Contestants are responsible for their own substitutes.  Adult supervisor must present verification of average.  A substitute shall take the place in the lineup of original entrant.  Lineup may be changed one (1) hour prior to start of tournament only for emergency situations where a substitute is used.  No refunds after confirmation have been accepted.

6.  Multiple participation will be allowed in the team event only, provided two (2) members are changed in the line-up.  Unlimited substitution will be allowed in both team and doubles event.  The first series in each event will be used towards the all-events.  each event will consist of three (3) games.  An entrant must compete in all three (3) events to be eligible for All Events.  Doubles and singles will be bowled consecutively.  Singles will be bowled first.  (if entered in one must bowl both).  In team event, girls and boys may mix or all girls, or all boys.  Four (4) people will constitute as a legal lineup.  Singles and all events will be separated in boys and girls divisions.  Doubles event will be one (1) division with any mix.  Doubles and singles will be bowled on same pair of lanes.

7.  In case of tie(s) for championship, duplicate plaques will be awarded.  Awards will be given on the basis of one (1) out of every ten (10) entries in each division for handicap.  Scratch awards will only be given to First Place Winners in each division.

8.  BUMPERS will only bowl two (2) games for the entire tournament.  They may bowl these two (2) games on Sunday during team event.  Bumpers will use their average as of December 23, 2013, provided twelve (12) games have been bowled; otherwise they will use their average as of tournament date, provided twelve (12) games have been bowled.  Awards will be given on the basis of one (1) out of every four (4) entries in each boy and girl divisions for handicap.  Scratch awards will be given to first (1st) place winners in each division.

9.  The tournament manager must decide on all disputes, complaints, or protests and enforce the rules and spirit of USBC competition.  Verified tele-scores are official (printouts from automatic scorers).  Errors must be reported within six (6) hours.

10.  Entry closing date: February 17, 2015.  All coaches must mail average standing sheets as posted for the league as of average cut-off date and a 2011-12 fall final average sheet or book to tournament manager with the entries.  Do not mail any entries until after the average cut-off date: Dec. 23, 2014.

11.  No use of tobacco products or playing of electronic devices, cell phones or Compact Disc-players will be allowed during participation in tournament.  No food or drinks allowed in the bowlers area during participation in tournament.  Only participants, scorekeeper, and tournament officials will be allowed in bowler area.  (This will be enforced).  Smoking by adults in designated areas only.

12. Dress code for all USBC bowlers (Boys and Girls) will be no shorts, no backless blouses, no dresses, no halter tops, no tank tops, no obscene t-shirts, no midriff blouses, no low cut tops, no hats.  No baggy pants, saggy or sagging pants.  Nice jeans or dress pants.  Knee length pants for boys and girls are allowed but must touch the knee or below.  No promotion of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs products on any attire or bowling equipment.

13.  No powders of any kind (talcum or baby) can be used during tournament.

14.  Rosin bags may be used for HAND ONLY.

15.  Altering the surface of a bowling ball by the use of abrasives while bowling in Sanctioned Competition is prohibited.  All bowling balls so altered must be removed from competition.  Any entrant in violation of USBC Rule 18 will forfeit game(s) in which the violation occurred and is subject to dismissal from the tournament as well as suspension of membership.


**Please print coaches name, address, zip code & phone number so I can read it..............**

Mail entries with check or money order (No Cash) to Alabama USBC Association (AUSBCA) Manager, Loretta Stowers.

To view State Tournament Entry Form click here.