Tuesday, March 25, 2025

About Adult 600 Series Awards & Club (Ladies)

Adult - 600 Series Award (Ladies)

This award is given to a female bowlers who is able to record a 600 Series score in three (3) games.  This is a Local Association award given through the local Association Awards Committee.  This is one (1) per member per season.  Along with this award the bowler is awarded an association (600 Award) jacket embroid with her name and the series bowled.

The following individuals are members of the Adult 600 Series Club:-

Judy Kazee - Kinika Marrow - Shelby Adkinson

Susan Anderson - Vicki Berry - Darnita Bradley - Kayce Clements

Lisa Evans - Veda Godwin - Kinika Grimes - Audrey Hart

Neysa Hernandez - Keran Humble - Karen Langston

Nancy Little - Merle McInnis - Susan Miller

Kinika Morrow - Joan Raley - Melinda Reeser

Marlene Resecker - Jennifer Roberts - Patricia Rudinsky

Hiroko Shepherd - Juanita Stephens - Leanne Stojak

Monica Thomas - Dorothy Thrash - Kathy Walker

Tonya Washington - Shannon Watkins - Marty Weaver

Jan Whittington - Debbie Wood - Colleen Marks

Keri Holtcamp