Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Adult Standard Certificates

Adult Standard - Certificates

Pick up a Seven-ten (7-10) Split in during league play recently?  How about a Big Four (4) conversion?  Or did you record an All-Spare Game?  Print your own customizable certificates for these accomplishment and more through our newly updated Printable Certificates Program, which enables you to openly display certificates in your home or offices commemorating that special moment.  Certificates feature a sleek, modern design along with your name and the date on which you accomplished your achievement - all available with just the click of a button.

Certificates are available and awarded to adult bowlers for conversions of the Seven-ten (7-10) Split or the Big Four (4) as well as an All-Spare Game, Dutch 200 Game, Triplicate, 100 pins over average, multiple 300 Games in a season, multiple 800 Series in a season or defeating your bowling coach.  USBC is awarding High Series, High Game, League Champions, League Most Improved Average, and League High Average.  Just added are the Stepladder Series Award and the Merit Awards for the Local Association's High Average, High Game and High Series.

Click here to read more.