Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 Community News Report

From the News Editor:  The information provide here is a synopsis of that event/article. We will not publish an entire article at any time. The editor will provide you link(s) to follow-up on the event if one is provided.  If you have any news and would like to share it, then let us know. Thank you.

Note.  We will keep the information on this page for ten (10) days or at the end of the schedule event.


Local Association News

Upcoming Tournaments

Don't forget about the Pepsi State Tournament (Youth) - Location Shindig Lanes, Tuscaloosa, AL


The next State Annual Meeting will be held at:

Lake Guntersville State Park

Address: 1155 Lodge Drive, Guntersville State Park, AL 35976

Bowl Weevil Lanes, LLC News

No News Available


Eight (8) Nine (9) Pin-no-Tap Tournament

Please call (334) 255-9503 - For more information


Birthday Party and Group Packages

Package A

Bowl all you can for one and half (1 1/2) hour - Price: $7.00 dollars per person

Package B

Bowl all you can for one and half (1 1/2) hour PLUS get a drink and a bag of chips - Price: $8.00 dollars per person

Package C

  Bowl all you can for one and half (1 1/2) hour PLUS get a drink and a bag of chips AND your choice of chicken fries or a hot dog - Price: $9.00 dollars per person

Glow-in-the-Dark Parties

To add glow bowling to any of the packages - Just add $1.00 dollar per person

 ** All parties MUST be booked at least one (1) week in advance **

** All packages include tax and shoe rental **

** A party MUST have a minimum of six (6) people **

** Outside food and drinks are NOT allowed (including ice cream) **

** Birthday cakes and decorating are welcomed **

Note: Reservations required and a $20.00 deposit (non-refundable) fee

Please call: (334) 347-8953 - For more information and pricing!


The Flightline Lanes News

Want to know what is going on at The Flightline Lanes.............Click here for more details!


Birthday Party and Event Deals

Would you like to host your next celebration - Parties or an Event - click here to find out more on what The Flightline Lanes have on tap!  To take your party to the next level, then check out Play 8 at www.Play8gameetruck.com 


Eight (8) Nine (9) Pin-no-Tap Tournament

Rucker Lanes will host a eight (8) nine (9) Pin-no-Tap the second (2nd) Friday of every month. Registration start at 7:00 PM and the cost is eighteen ($18.00) dollars per person (fifteen [$15.00] - prize, three [$3.00] - lineage fee) with an optional 300 pot.

The rules in this tournament are as follows:

* Women will be bowling 3 games in a Eight (8) Pin-No-Tap format where knocking down eight (8) pins on the first ball count as a strike.

* Men will bowl 3 games in a nine (9) Pin-No-Tap format where knocking down nine (9) pins on the first ball count as a strike.

This is a scratch tournament event with pay out for each high game bowled and total pin series. Each bowler can buy into the 300 Game pot. When a bowler rolls a 300 game, you earn a 300 Game Share.  If another bowler rolls a 300 Game that individual will earn a share and so on. If no bowlers, in the 300 pot, bowls a 300 Game at the end of the three (3) games then everyone will earn a share and will bowl in the "300 Game Roll Off".

The 300 pot are separate for male and female.  Youth bowlers are welcome to participate, but they WILL have to fill out a USBC "Parental Consent Form" or have one (1) on file, in order to participate.  All monetary value for all youth bowlers will be towards their SMART program account.  For more information contact Rucker Lanes: (334) 255-9503 or Donald Solesbee: (334) 406-3043 or E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
