Tuesday, March 25, 2025

About Center Certification Committee

Center Certification Committee

The SAUSBCA Center Certification Committee is responsible for certification of all bowling centers within the Association.  SAUSBCA local Association officials visit bowling centers in the areas annually and use a variety of tools and instruments to perform a physical inspection of the lanes and their adjacent components such as the channels, channel depths, pin spots, and pin-deck.  By United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Regulations Center inspections may begin April 1, and must be completed by August 31.

USBC Rules state that bowling centers must renew their certification by September 1, to host any USBC certified competition for that season.  In addition to setting and enforcing specifications for bowling equipment, SAUSBCA helps the USBC uphold the credibility of the sport and makes competition fair by inspecting lane beds in bowling centers to ensure that they meet USBC standards.

SAUSBCA Lane Certification Committee also perform random inspections of the oil applied to lanes in bowling centers to ensure that they meet USBC guidelines for oil application.  Sometimes referred to as conditioner, lane oil protects the lane surface and affects the difficulty level of the sport.  Lane oil inspections ensure playing-field uniformity per USBC guidelines so that USBC league bowlers in Maine are competing on lanes in the same shape as bowlers in California.

  • The Flightline Lanes - Inspection/Certification - Waived by USBC (2023-24)
  • Bowl Weevil Lanes, LLC - Inspection/Certification - Waived by USBC (2023-24)

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Your SAUSBCA Center Certification Committee members are:-

Kerry Lambert (Chairman)

John Scott

Kerry Lambert

Paul Richards

Lisa Swanson

All available Association Members required - During Center/Lanes Certification

Note.  If you have any question please contact the above  personnel.