Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Youth City Tournament Rules

9th Annual Youth City Tournament Rules

1.  This tournament is open to all youth members, in good standing, of the Southeast Alabama USBC Association.

      TEAM                                (Boland Lanes)            Saturday                7 Feb 2015                   1:00 PM

      SINGLES/DOUBLES           (Rucker Lanes)            Sunday                  8 Feb 2015                   1:30 PM

      BUMPERS                         (Boland Lanes)            Saturday               7 Feb 2015                   1:00 PM

 All USBC rules and regulations will govern this tournament

2.  Youth Entry Fees in this tournament shall be $11.00 per event with Handicap All are no additional charge. Prize ratio for Team, Singles and Doubles will be at least 1:6. Prize Ratio for All Events will be at least 1:10.In case of a tie for first place in Team Event, Singles or Doubles, duplicate awards will be presented.  Bumper Entry Fee in this tournament shall be $8.00 and prizes will be awarded at the individual level.

3.  Handicap for this tournament will be 90% of 200.

4.  Averages: Entrants shall use their highest 2013-14 USBC certified average based on a minimum of twenty-one (21) games.  If no 2013-14 average or average cannot be verified, entrants shall use their highest current USBC average for twenty-one (21) games or more in a certified league as of 22 Dec 2014.  A bowler  having a current season average for twenty-one (21) games or more in certified league play as of 22 Dec 2014,that is ten (10) pins or more higher than the previous season's average must use current season's average in this tournament (USBC Rule 319a-2).  All others will bowl scratch.  The average of a bowler may be adjusted upward before participation in any event.  If the assigned average is not accepted by the bowler, the entry fee shall be refunded (USBC Rule 319c).

5.  NO change in the scheduled time will be made except in case of an emergency.  Entrants must bowl in the order in which they appear on the entry.  Substitutions must be made 30 minutes prior to schedule bowling time.  Pacers are not permitted.  Paid All Events are not transferable unless the substitute replaces entrant in all three (3) events and transfer must be made before the beginning of the first event.

6.  Team will be comprised of four (4) bowlers. They may be all male, all female, or a combination of both.

7.  Doubles will be bowled first, and then Singles on the same pair of lanes.

8.  If you enter Doubles, you MUST enter Singles.

9.  No smoking will be allowed in the bowling center during tournament play except in a designated smoking room.  No eating or drinking will be allowed in the bowler pit area during tournament play.

10.  No rosin bags, hand conditioners, easy slide etc. will be allowed in the bowling pit area during the tournament.


12.  DRESS CODE: Dress code for all USBC bowlers will be no shorts, no backless blouses, no dresses, no halter tops, no tank tops, no obscene T-shirts, no midriff blouses, no low-cut tops, no hats, and no baggy pants/pants which show underwear is allowed.  No promotion of gambling, tobacco, alcohol nor drug products on any attire is allowed. Nice jeans, dress pants or knee length pants are recommended.  Tournament management or designee will enforce the dress code.  He/she will make judgment calls to the dress code question or concerns, and any circumstances surrounding such issues.  His/her decision shall be final.

13. The tournament committee and Southeast Alabama USBC Association Board of Directors decide any question not covered by these tournament rules.  The board has the power to hear and act on all protests concerning the tournament.

SAUSBCA Tournament Committee officials: John Scott